What’s So Special About Musicians Earplugs?

What’s So Special About Musicians Earplugs?
Our custom made Musicians Earplugs aren’t only for musicians. They’re for anyone who wants to hear clearly at lower (safer) volumes.
Custom Musicians Earplugs with 15 dB Filter
Custom Musicians Earplugs with 15 dB Filter
Whether you’re playing, recording, or enjoying a live show, the music will always sound crisp and clear and you’ll feel like the smartest person in the room because you’re the one protecting your hearing.
A custom Musicians Earplugs is made to fit your ear perfectly because it is made from a cast of your ear.
You’ll be able to wear them for as long as you want without any discomfort.
All sound is regulated through a proprietary filter.
This filter preserves the frequency response (sound quality) but reduces the intensity that is allowed in. They are interchangeable so you can change your filters depending on how loud it is or how much sound you want to block out.

You can choose your set of filters – either 9dB, 15dB, or 25 dB of protection.
All Musicians Earplugs for musicians require that we take a cast of your ear canal. The process is done by appointment in our office or onsite for traveling performers. It takes about 15 minutes to have the impressions taken.

Custom Ear Plugs | Ear Plugs for Swimming | Motorcycle Ear Plugs | Musicians Earplugs | Ear Plugs for Sleeping


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