Musicians Earplugs uses

Perhaps no one appreciates the sense of hearing as much as musicians; those who make their living in the music industry spend thousands of hours listening in practice and performance, and it is critical that hearing is not compromised along the way. In my clinical work, I often comment that musicians can hear things that other people cannot, and research confirms that musicians have better auditory perception, better working memory, and better ability to discriminate speech in noise, than the average non-musician.1,2

Almost all musical instruments are capable of producing damaging sound levels, and virtually all musicians are at increased risk of developing music-induced hearing disorders (hearing loss, tinnitus, pitch-perception problems, and loudness intolerance) from high sound levels. Because musicians have such finely tuned auditory abilities, and the fact that they need to hear their own and other musicians’ instruments when they play, industrial-type hearing protectors are not appropriate in most cases. Moderate-attenuation, high-fidelity hearing protectors Musicians Earplugs, on the other hand, reduce the risk of music-induced hearing disorders while allowing the musician to hear clearly

High Fidelity and Earplugs

In audio, fidelity is defined as accuracy of sound reproduction: Musicians Earplugs reproduce sound as closely to the original as possible. Applied to Musicians Earplugs, the term “high-fidelity” means that earplugs reduce sound levels while maintaining, as closely as possible, the quality of the original sound.

The average open ear canal has an acoustic resonant peak of approximately 17 dB at 2700 Hz. Placing an Musicians Earplugs in the ear removes this natural resonance, resulting in unbalanced attenuation that makes music and voices sound muffled and unclear.

A high-fidelity Musicians Earplugsis designed to match the open ear response by adding back the resonant peak. Attenuation should be as even as possible across the frequency spectrum to preserve the timbre and quality of sound, so that sound heard while wearing high-fidelity Musicians Earplugs is essentially the same as the original.


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