Why You Need Motorcycle Ear Plugs

Motorcycle ear plugs reduce wind noise. Think of your ears next time you go cruising on his motorcycle. The roar of the engine noise and the wind compete with the noise of a rock show or a shackle saw, and your helmet offers no safety for your ears. Motorcycles look great, but they are not for sensitive ears.

Traveling in motorcycle can make you happier and hearing impaired

 If you drive your motorcycle at freeway speeds for more than 30 minutes without hearing protection, your hearing is damaged.
As someone who enjoys little more than a long motorcycle trip, often they spend eight hours or more in the chair. This is not what most call a day of work, but it is an equivalent amount of time, so that answer, I have to get the full effect of noise reduction that good motorcycle ear plugs provide.

Wind noise

Wind noise is another potential threat in view of the pilots. One hour at highway speeds with unprotected hearing can cause permanent hearing loss.

His helmet offers protection against bumps and even accidents, but not a lot of noise is needed.Studies have shown that maximum noise reducing wear a helmet varies 3-5 dB. An inexpensive set of motorcycle ear plugs reduces noise exposure by up to 35 dB, allowing you to travel all day without fear of hearing damage.

That is why, as a driver, you must protect your hearing now.

Why motorcycle ear plugs make you safer

Our ears are not designed to operate at 100 decibels. Humans have not evolved in an environment where we were riding motorcycles, the operating chainsaw, working in factories, etc.
So earplugs do not reduce safety. Ear plugs not "block" not the sounds you need to hear, like sirens, other vehicles, horns blowing, and so on. Reduce overall sound pressure that your ears can function in a more natural range. This allows you to distinguish sounds better. It is more likely to hear the siren because their ears are not overwhelmed by more than 100 decibels pressure.
In my experience, there is another way to bring earplugs makes you safer. When I started wearing motorcycle ear plugs several years ago, I immediately realized that I felt much less tired, especially on long trips. We are all more likely to make mistakes when we are tired. The use of earplugs improves your chances.

Which earplugs to buy?

I will not tell. Not because I’m being useless, but simply because different solutions work for different people. Disposable ear plugs work well for most people. I have tried other types, but I have always migrated to this simple solution. The key with foam plugs is to use them properly. roll them tight, is inserted into the ear canal and let them enlarge to fill the space.

Other types of motorcycle ear plugs are also available for earplugs custom molded for you. The good news is that none of the options are expensive, except for custom ear plugs, so you can experiment with different types and find what works best for you. The sooner you start taking steps to preserve your hearing, the more results are heard.


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