Can a few hours around some loud music really damage your ears?

After all, you go to a concert to actually hear the music, right?
So, should I really wear ear plugs at a concert?

The most common cause of hearing loss is noise-induced hearing loss.
26 million Americans have noise-induced hearing loss that could have been prevented. It doesn’t take a lifetime of attending concerts or loud events to cause a hearing loss, you can damage your ears in just one event.

Normal levels of conversation are around 65 decibels loud. Concert music levels can reach between 100 and 120 decibels loud. At a level of 110 decibels, hearing loss can occur after only two minutes of exposure.

The longer you are exposed to levels that loud, the greater chance of hearing loss you have. So, if you plan on going to a 2-hour concert, you risk significant damage to your ears. Not to mention an all-day music festival.

Loud music at concerts can cause permanent hearing loss and/or tinnitus.

Hearing loss and tinnitus can cause a significant decline in overall quality of life. It can lead to reduced cognitive function, depression, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of falls.
So, the answer is “yes”. You should wear earplugs to a concert to protect your hearing. But, not just any ear plugs. Some earplugs are better than others.


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