Earplugs for Noise Reduction

When should you wear them?

Motorcycle Ear Plugs for noise, sometimes called sound plugs should be worn around any loud environmental noise, such as when around machinery, power tools, lawn equipment, gunfire, aircrafts, explosives, sporting events, motorcycles, and loud music to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.

Any sounds louder than 85 decibels have the potential for causing noise-induced hearing loss. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require earplug use for workers exposed to loud noises. But, earplugs should be used by those engaging in loud recreational activites as well.

Who should wear them?

    Workers who are exposed to harmful noise levels as recommended by OSHA
    Sporting event attendees such as NASCAR, football games, etc.
    Military personnel who are exposed to gunfire and/or explosives
    Anyone using power tools, lawn equipment, or machinery for home or recreational use

Types of Noise Earplugs

Custom Motorcycle Ear Plugs. Almost always the most efficient when it comes to blocking out harmful sounds. They can be purchased through a hearing healthcare professional who will first take a impression of your ear for a custom-fit.

Earmuffs Motorcycle Ear Plugs. A popular form of noise protection for those working around machinery or lawn equipment. Earmuffs are desired by some people who do not like the way earplugs feel in the ear, or if they need some added protection. Motorcycle Ear Plugs can sometimes provide more noise attenuation than earplugs can, for those working in extremely loud environments such as with aircraft engines or heavy machinery.

Reusable Motorcycle Ear Plugs. An inexpensive way to make sure you are always prepared. They are typically made of a soft silicone material and can be cleaned after use for re-use later. Reusable noise earplugs can come corded or non-corded, and some brands include a carrying case.

Disposable Motorcycle Ear Plugs. The least expensive option for occasional use, but if you plan on wearing earplugs often, it pays to invest in a reusable pair. Disposable Motorcycle Ear Plugs must be discarded after each use and are generally made of a foam material.


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