Custom Earplugs for Shooting
When should you wear Custom
Ear Plugs?
Earplugs or Custom Ear Plugs should be worn
anytime you are around gunfire. The average gunfire shot can often exceed 140
dB, a dangerous level that can cause permanent hearing loss. It only takes one
if these loud impulse noise exposures to affect your hearing. Whether shooting
the gun yourself, or standing near gunfire, noise protection earplugs should be
Who should wear Custom Ear Plugs?
- Military personnel exposed to gunfire
- Anyone attending or working at a gun range
- Hunters or recreational shooters
- Types of Shooting Earplugs
Custom Ear Plugs. Great for the
professional shooter or hunter who will need high-quality and comfortable Custom
Ear Plugs for everyday use. They can be ordered through a hearing
healthcare professional using an earmold impression of your ear canal.
Electronic Custom Ear Plugs. Feature micro
processors that compress dangerously loud noises (gun blasts) while allowing
safe levels of sound (speech, ambient sound) to pass through to the ear. They
are the most expensive type of earplug (typically $200-$400) but perfect for
those who regularly spend time in shooting environments.
Reusable Custom Ear Plugs. Available corded
or non-corded. The corded model is great for shooters who want to be able to
easily remove them between shooting sessions, without losing them.
Disposable Custom Ear Plugs. Basic foam
earplugs that are used for any general noise protection.
Custom Ear Plugs. Popular among
those at a shooting range where you are exposed to not only your own gunfire,
but also that of the shooters around you. Earmuffs typically have a high noise
attenuation level, great for those high impact noises like gunfire
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