Musicians Earplugs for musicians ear protection

Ah… summer! No matter where you are, what type of music you love, or who your favorite band is, summertime is one of the best times to enjoy live music concert events, discover new music, and enjoy classic favorites from every genre.

Music festivals are especially popular during the summer. In Colorado, we can find a band playing or live music virtually every night of the summer (and many afternoons).
There are also lots of awesome bands touring this summer with shows. From Adele to Tool to The Cure, you’ll likely find at least one (five, ten?!) concert(s) on your “can’t miss” list! And that’s just on the major stages… what about local favorites from your area?

If you love music as much as we do, it’s going to make it tough this summer deciding on who to see!
Depending on whether you’re looking at our new wireless custom-fit earphones or our extremely popular Musicians Earplugs, Our Earmold Musicians Earplugs helps by both filling your ears with tunes and/or protecting your ears from an overabundance of sounds at music events.

Protect to Enjoy
With Musicians Earplugs  before you head off to your favorite concert, grab your favorite Musicians Earplugs custom-fit, and get into the music of summer. Then switch them out as you hit the concert arena with the perfect protection with the Musicians Earplugs. Because sadly, repeated exposure to loud summer music (including concerts) can cause hearing loss, much faster than most of us would expect.

In fact, the typical rock concert is between 110 dB and 120 dB and can hit has high as 140 dB right in front of the speakers. And with Musicians Earplugs, those dBs might go even higher. Our custom-fit Musicians Earplugs  fit better than old-fashioned foam and don’t distort the sounds, so you can love your music as much as before and continue enjoying your favorite music for years to come.


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