Looking for Best Earplugs for Concerts?

Live music concerts are great. We all know that. What’s not that great, however, is the pain in the ears most of us experience once we leave the gig – do you remember the familiar sound of ‘ringing’ in your ears? Yes, it tends to ring for a few hours and then usually everything gets back to normal wih the help of Musicians Earplugs.

But did you know that continous exposure to noise over 85 dB (and by continuous we mean eight hours or so) can result in the permament hearling loss? Eight hours seems a lot, but if you’ve been listening to Spotify on your way to concert, chances are that you’re pretty close to that limit.

The normal, every day conversation is around 65dB, which is absolutely safe for your hears  so use Musicians Earplugs. However, a loud hip-hop or rock concert can expose your ears to up to 120 dB which can be devastating to your ears. A three minute blast like this can result in some pretty serious consequences. How to avoid this and protect your hearing while you enjoy the live band playing your favourite songs? Use Musicians Earplugs

Check more @ http://www.earmoldsydney.com.au/musicians-earplugs/


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