Best Musician Ear plugs

You shun the idea of wearing earplugs – or at least used to. As a musician, you want the full live experience of playing for yourself and your audience. Whether you’re playing your favorite rock song during practice or performing as part of an orchestra, you want to hear the music – to feel it and experience it. Part of the playing experience is to hear what you’ve created – to move your body to the beat and let the music take over.Use Musicians Earplugs

Or if you’re part of the audience, you still want the full live experience without sacrificing your health. You want to dance and move to the music without having to experience any damage to your ears. You want to move your head to the loud and hard bass without have to stand right beside deafening use Musicians Earplugs

You used to hate the idea of wearing Musicians Earplugs – until you realized the importance of wearing one.

You can feel the difference; you know the toll exposing yourself to loud noises takes. When you started playing years ago or attending festivals and concerts, you didn’t mind the loud music – you loved it – until you started to experience slight hearing loss. This isn’t only a common occurrence to musicians but to everyone one as well. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, around 48 million Americans (that’s around 20% of the population) report some degree of hearing loss, and at age 65, one out of three people experiences hearing loss.

The good news is that advances in technology have provided hearing accessories that are engineered to give you more benefits rather than diminish the playing experience. In this article, we’ve rounded up the 10 best earplugs for musicians, but before we get into that, it’s best to determine what makes a great pair of Musicians Earplugs.

Here are 3 key features of a great pair of Musicians Earplugs for concerts & musicians:

    They lower the audio volume

Whether you’re a musician or are part of the audience, we’re sure you love to drown yourself in the music. A great pair of Musicians Earplugs lowers the sound but do not mute it completely. You’re definitely not a stranger to the ‘decibel’ – the measurement of sound intensity.  A dB of zero is one of near complete silence. A safe decibel range is in the level of 85dB and below. A normal conversation produces 60 dB, while the average drum set produces about 100 dB while a full-on rock concert is at about 120dB. Sleeping earplugs decreases the dB level by 32 dB; that’s a significant number and you’re bound to shun rather than appreciate your earplugs with that. Musicians Earplugs specifically designed for music decrease the dB level by only 12 to 15 dB. It’s not such a significant drop, so you still get to drown yourself in the music without damaging your ears. When you’re shopping for earplugs, it’s important to look for a pair that lowers the dB level by about 12 to 15 dB.Safe dB levels are that in the 85 and below range.

    They maintain great sound quality

A great set of Musicians Earplugs do not sacrifice the sound quality. Being in a rock concert or a three-day festival, you get boosts of energy when the music is pumping and blasting, regardless if you’re the one playing the music or you’re part of the audience. That aside, every musician knows that playing music is not just an activity; it’s an experience both for you and the audience, so you want the best experience, and that means moving to the music and letting it move you and take over. With that, it’s important to look for earplugs that decrease the noise but maintain the sound quality. You don’t want earplugs that muffle the sound; you want earplugs that are designed to preserve the audio quality. What’s the use of playing if you don’t get the full experience of it? So when shopping for earplugs, it’s important to look for a pair that decreases the volume but retains the audio quality.

    They provide custom fit

Last but definitely not the least, you want earplugs that feel like they have been designed just for you. Especially for touring musicians, you want quality and comfort. If you’re a fan or are just watching, you want a pair of Musicians Earplugs that will last you for hours of non-stop music and dancing. You want a pair of earplugs that provide quality and are not a nuisance to your ears. With the technology today, earplugs have been equipped with materials that are meant to provide the best listening experience. When it comes to comfort, there areMusicians Earplugs made to follow the shape of your ear lobe. This way you get quality sound and comfort. This is especially important if you play and listen to music for hours on end.


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