Motorcycle ear plugs are ideal for safety Rides

Personalized hearing protection for motorcyclists With the wide variety of ear plugs on the market today with the many different types of materials they are made of, choosing the right earplug may seem confusing at first. It really is not that difficult once you are limited to setting the conditions you will be where you need more protection for your ears. If you drive a motorcycle quite often, you may want to consider custom made Motorcycle Ear Plugs These Motorcycle Ear Plugs are specially designed to reduce wind noise and damaging frequencies for motorcycle drivers and pilots. They should be worn above your helmet and provide maximum hearing protection when driving at speeds that increase noise by more than 85 decibels. Flowing only 50 mph produces noise levels of 90 dB at 60 mph and increases to 100 decibels. It is as strong as a chainsaw. The first step to being taken to a personalized hearing protection is to visit your hearing care professiona...