Foam Motorcycle Ear plug

There are many things about motoring that can seriously damage your hearing and make the experience far less enjoyable. Not only do your ears have to contend with the sound of the engine, but other traffic and wind noise can also be highly damaging. Here at Earmold Sydney, you can find the right  Motorcycle Ear Plugs to help you block harmful noises and enjoy your ride.

For those wanting the highest levels of aural protection, the  Motorcycle Ear Plugs Soft range are is an excellent investment.

The Motorcycle Ear Plugs offer one of the highest noise reduction rates available on the market, measuring in at 32db when used correctly. This is enough protection to deal with almost any situation, from a day’s hunting to the loudest of loud rock concerts.

The range also offers high levels of comfort, with the fully skinned and tapered finish meaning they are also extremely easy to wear, and can adapt to fit a number of different ear shapes. The foam used in Motorcycle Ear Plugs is state-of-the-art, and extremely low pressure. It also comes in a standard, natural colour, enabling it to easily blend in during any busy public events.

For those frequently on the move, a travel case is included to allow you to take the Motorcycle Ear Plugs on the road. Never again will the wearer have to put up with a loud snorer on a 12 hour overnight flight!

    Substantial 32db noise reduction in Motorcycle Ear Plugs
    Comfortable, low-pressure foam means an easy fit
    Tapered in Motorcycle Ear Plugs and fully skinned means a high level of hygiene
    Great value, with travel case included in Motorcycle Ear Plugs


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