Musician Earplug for your comfortness

 Why should you protect your hearing?

Wearing Musicians Ear Plugs while practising, performing and listening to music will protect your hearing from the effects of overexposure to loud sound throughout your life.  Any loud sounds can cause irreversible damage, so protecting your hearing, as well as the need for communication, is essential in any noisy environment.

Repeated exposure to loud noise can result in permanent hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Why you need Musicians Earplugs ?

Each ear is unique so having a custom-made Musicians Earplugs of each ear gives you the ultimate fit for ear comfort and noise isolation.  Many musicians say they hear their own instruments better, as well as the balance with instruments around them with Musicians Earplugs
They also reduce sound levels evenly so that music and speech are clear and natural, not muffled as with other off-the-shelf earplugs.

A luxury fit, made in soft durable silicon Musicians Earplugs they are produced in clear as standard. Each set comes with a carry case, wax cleaning pick and Otoferm cream.

When did you last have your hearing tested?

Early intervention can help any hearing deterioration so why not have a hearing test at the same time.

How should they fit?
Musicians Earplugs  should fit snugly but comfortably.  It’s advisable to use a lubricant to ease insertion.

How do you keep them clean?

Filter buttons should be kept dry.  If dust or dirt accumulates remove it gently with a cloth or small soft brush.

Musicians Earplugs  should be removed from the filter, then wash the  Musicians Earplugs with water and mild soap.  Dry out naturally before reinserting filter.

You can use a cleaning swab to clean.  Audio-Wipes are useful if you experience itchy ears when wearing Musicians Earplugs .

How long will they last?
Musicians Earplugs  are designed to last for many years but if you use them regularly it is advisable to have new Musicians Earplugs every 2-3 years.

What if there’s a group of you?

If you have a large number of people requiring ER series fittings we can visit you on-site.  We also regularly do talks and presentations on all aspects of hearing loss and protection.

Do you need instant protection?

The  Musicians Earplugs is a cost effective temporary solution.  A ready to use, one-size-fits-all earplug that closely replicates the ear’s natural frequency response. The  Musicians Earplugs reduce sound levels by 16dB while minimising high frequency roll-off providing high fidelity hearing protection.
Musicians Earplugs  are provided with a carry case, neck cord and instructions.  Conventional foam and wax plugs generally produce 10 – 20 dB of extra high end reduction than in mid and low frequencies. This bias distorts the sound and disrupts the fidelity making voices and music sound unclear and unnatural.

What Makes  Musicians Earplugs High Fidelity?

The buttons have a diaphragm which functions as an acoustic compliance, while the volume of air in the sound bore of the custom earmould acts as an acoustic mass.  The combination of the two produces a resonance at approximately 2700 Hz (as in the normal ear), which results in smooth, flat attenuation.

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