Custom Ear plugs for Noise Reduction

Noise-induced hearing loss can be prevented. Yet, it is still one of the leading causes of hearing loss. Why is this?
Some workplaces are unavoidably noisy. For farmers, airport ground staff, musicians and factory workers, noise is simply part of their job. Unfortunately, amongst these professions hearing loss is often considered inevitable.
There is a simple solution to this problem – Custom Ear plugs.
When most people think of , they most Custom Ear plugs likely think of the cheap, rubber disposable kind. The sort that just won’t stay in your ears no matter how many times you push them in, and end up making everything sound really muffled and distorted. These common ear plugs do not make a great solution to excessive noise in the workplace, as they are unreliable and uncomfortable. Custom Ear plugs also block out sounds the wearer needs to be able to hear, such as alarms.
Nowadays there are more comfortable and effective ear plugs available. Connect Hearing offers a variety of options, all of which are specially made to fit the customer’s ears and so offer maximum comfort and ease of use.

Noise reducing ear plugs

These Custom Ear plugs provide protection against dangerous levels of noise. This is generally defined as any level of noise where normal speech cannot be understood (usually over 85 decibels). The following are examples of dangerously loud sources of noise:
  • Lawnmower – 107 decibels
  • Powersaw – 110 decibels
  • Peak stadium crowd noise – 130 decibels
  • Fire crackers – 145 decibels
Even though Custom Ear plugs significantly reduce the level of noise you are exposed to, these Custom Ear plugs allow you to hear speech clearly enough that you won’t feel the need to pull them out when someone is talking to you.

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